Literatuur voor edelsteenliefhebbers

Hieronder treft u een lijst met interessante literatuur. Daar waar er een Nederlandse vertaling van een boek bestaat, is deze in plaats van de Engelse versie.

  • Agricola, Georgius. De Natura Fossilium, Dover Phoenix Editions (1546)
  • Bancroft , Peter. Gem and Crystal Treasures, Western Enterprises (1984)
  • Bauer, Max. Precious Stones, vertaling van L. J. Spenser (1904), Dover Publications (1968)
  • Brown, Richard S. Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans, A.G.T. Co., Ltd. (1995)
  • Castellani, Augusto. Gems: Notes and Extracts, Bell and Daldy (1871)
  • Church, A. H. Precious Stones, H.M. Stationery Offi ce (1905)
  • Dennis, Jr. Daniel J. Gems, Harry N Abrams, Inc. (1999)
  • Drucker, Richard B. Gem Market News, GemWorld International, Inc.
  • Drucker, Richard B. Th e Gem Guide Colour, GemWorld International, Inc.
  • Drucker, Richard B. Th e Gem Guide Diamonds, GemWorld International, Inc.
  • Farrington, Oliver Cummings. Gems and Gem Minerals, A.W. Mumford (1903)
  • Federman, David. Coloured Stone, Interweave
  • Feuchtwanger, Dr. L. A Popular Treatise on Gems, D. Appleton & Co. (1859)
  • Finlay, Victoria. Edelstenen: een ontdekkingsreis. Vertaling door Meile Snijders, Anthos (2007)
  • Furya, Masashi. Th e World of Gemstones: Paraíba Tourmaline, Japan Germany Gemmological Laboratory (2007)
  • Hughes, Richard W. Ruby & Sapphire (Hardcover), R W H Publishing (1997)
  • Hurrell, Karen & Johnson, Mary L. Gemstones, Ivy Press (2008)
  • Keller, Alice S. Gems & Gemmology, Gemmological Institute of America
  • Kornitzer, Louis. Gem Trader, Sheridan House (1939)
  • Kunz, George Frederick. The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, Bell Publishing (1989)
  • Linsell, Gavin. Guide to Gems & Jewellery, GemsTV Holdings Limited (2008)
  • Lipatatpanlop, Barbara & Michelou, Jean Claude. The ICA 2006 World Coloured Gemstone Mining Report,
  • International Coloured Gemstone Association (2006)
  • Lipatatpanlop, Barbara & Michelou, Jean Claude. The ICA World Gemmological Laboratory Directory,
  • International Coloured Gemstone Association (2007)
  • Lyman, Kennie. Gems and Precious Stones, Simon & Schuster (1986)
  • Matlins, Antoinette P.G. Coloured Gemstones, Gemstone Press (2005)
  • Michelou, Jean Claude. In Colour, International Coloured Gemstone Association
  • Newman, Renee. Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Buying Guide, International Jewellery Publications (2002)
  • Newman, Renee. Diamond Handbook, International Jewellery Publications (2008)
  • O’Donoghue, Michael. Gems (Sixth Edition), Butterworth-Heinemann (2006)
  • Oldershaw, Cally. Gems of the World, Philips (2008)
  • Pellant, Chris. Rocks and Minerals, Dorling Kindersley (1992)
  • Pliny the Elder (Plinius de Oudere, ook Gaius Plinius Secundus). Natural History, vertaling van John Bostock and
  • H.T. Riley. Henry G. Bohn (1855)
  • Schumann, Walter. Deltas gids voor mineralen. Vertaling door R. Swennen, in samenwerking met Christane Ams,
  • Deltas (2002)
  • Simmons, Robert & Ahsian, Naisha. Th e Book of Stones, North Atlantic Books (2007)
  • Sliwa, Cynthia A. & Stanley, Caroline. Jewellery Savvy, Jewels on Jewels, Inc. (2007)
  • Smith, Dr. Herbert G.F. Gemstones and their Distinctive Characters, Kessinger Publishing (1912)
  • Smith, Marcell Nelson. Diamonds, Pearls and Precious Stones, Griffi th-Stillings Press (1913)
  • Soukup, Edward J. Facet Cutters Handbook, Gems Guide Books Co. (1986)
  • Streeter, Edwin. Precious Stones and Gems, George Bell & Sons (1898)
  • Suwa, Yasukazu. Gemstones, Quality and Value. Volumes 1-3. Sekai Bunka Inc. (2000)
  • Vargras, Glenn & Martha. Faceting for Amateurs, Glenn & Martha Vargras (1969)
  • Voloillot, Patrick. Diamonds and Precious Stones, Th ames and Hudson (1997)
  • Wallis, Keith. Gemstones, Antique Collectors Club (2006)
  • Wise, Richard W. Secrets of the Gem Trade, Brunswick House Press (2006)
  • Zoellner, Tom. Th e Heartless Stone, St. Martin’s Press (2006)


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